Intel launches new Bitcoin mining chip Blockscale
The company indicated that the device is designed, in part, for energy-efficient blockchain hashing. On Monday, semiconductor manufacturing titan Intel unveiled its new Bitcoin (BTC) mining chip, Blockscale. The application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC, hardware is designed to operate on proof-of-work blockchains using SHA-256 encryption.As told by Intel, Blockscale will have a hash rate of up to 580 gigahash per second (or 0.58 terahash per second, TH/s), consuming between 4.8 to 22.7 watts of power, and having an energy efficiency of up to 26 joules per terahash (J/TH). Each chip....
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Intel’s new bitcoin mining chip, the Intel Blockscale ASIC, will ship in Q3 2022 to select customers.
The newly-named Blockscale ASIC has been one of the year’s top bitcoin stories. A juggernaut like Intel entering the bitcoin mining space is huge, and the company’s low-energy PR strategy has worked. The headline of today’s story is that the first batch arrives in Q3 of this year to the already announced clients. Related Reading […]
It’s official, Intel is part of the bitcoin mining business. The gargantuan technology company announced its “ultra-low-voltage energy-efficient” ASIC chip barely six months ago, and it’s already here. Under normal circumstances, infrastructural support from a multinational company like Intel would be tremendous for the bitcoin market. How will it react in the middle of all this chaos? Will it react at all? The news didn’t immediately do much, but the long-term effect remains to be seen. Intel AXG Custom Compute team is now shipping the Blockscale ASIC! First product will always be....
While a new chip is upcoming, Intel shared information about its past product exploration in bitcoin mining chip design.
With the rise in popularity and value, many people turn to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. So it’s no wonder that Intel has announced a new chip for blockchain applications like NFT’s minting and Bitcoin mining. The blockchain chip will make it easier than ever before possible with just one click. Jack Dorsey-led firm that recently changed […]