Crypto Reserve Controversy: Poll Shows Americans Aren’t On Board
About 51%, or the majority of Americans, do not support the creation of a cryptocurrency strategic reserve, a proposal that US President Donald Trump has been pushing since his election in November last year. A recent poll revealed that the majority of American voters oppose the establishment of a crypto strategic reserve which indicates that […]
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A recent poll conducted by NBC News indicates that one in five Americans has used cryptocurrencies by either investing or trading digital assets. The findings suggest that crypto assets continue to become more popular as 21% of the 1,000 participants surveyed have “dabbled” in crypto assets.
Survey Says 1 in 5 Americans Has Used Crypto Assets in Some Capacity
Digital currencies have seen significant growth during the last year as the crypto economy is currently valued at $2.2 trillion at the time of writing. According to an NBC News poll, one in five American....
Following the recently published survey by Mizuho Securities that estimates roughly $24 billion from the $380 billion in direct stimulus checks will go toward bitcoin, a Harris Poll was released that estimates around 1 in 10 Americans have used stimulus checks to invest in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum. Recently Published Harris Poll Says 7% of the Americans Surveyed Intend to Spend Stimulus on Bitcoin and Ethereum Three days ago, Bitcoin.com reported on a poll that was published by the Japanese banking firm Mizuho Securities. The study polled 235 individuals who make less....
The Fed Reserve has released its annual study on Americans’ financial life, and it shows that they are more likely to utilize cryptocurrency as an investing tool than as a means of payment. Fed Report Shows Booming Crypto Economy The report, Economic Well-Being of US Households in 2021, is based on the Federal Reserve Board’s […]
Black and LBGTQ Americans are more than twice as likely to invest in crypto than White Americans. A survey provided to USA Today by Harris Poll has found that Black, Hispanic, and LGBTQ Americans are significantly more likely to own crypto assets.According to surveys of 2,010 and 2,003 U.S adults conducted during June and July, 23% of Black Americans and 17% of Hispanic Americans indicated they are currently invested in digital assets, compared to only 11% of white Americans, and 13% of the general public. 25% of LGBTQ respondents also said they hold crypto.Cryptocurrency awareness is also....
According to a Gallop poll published on May 2, the public’s confidence in America’s current economic leaders has been deteriorating. Confidence in U.S. president Joe Biden managing the U.S. economy has dropped from 57% to 40%, and faith in Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell has faltered from 55% to 43%. The April 2022 Gallop poll, published amid the highest inflationary pressure the country has seen in decades, indicates trust in economic leaders is at its lowest point since 2008.
Americans Are Not Confident in Current Leaders Managing the Economy
After the....