FTX executive Wetjen calls CFTC application an opportunity for the agency to ...
Former CFTC head Giancarlo said a “central bank mindset” is holding crypto back, and Wetjen saw the need for more entrepreneurialism in regulatory agencies. Former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chairman Chris Giancarlo, known by some as Crypto Dad during his tenure from 2017 to 2019, spoke on the topic of U.S. crypto regulation at the Crypto Bahamas conference on Thursday. He called the current U.S. regulations, many of which were written in the 1930s, “nonapplicable” to the current financial reality of cryptocurrencies.Giancarlo expressed concern that central banks were....
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The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) held a meeting yesterday in Washington, DC, to discuss bitcoin as it relates to the agency's role as the country's chief futures and options regulator. Panelists for the CFTC event included Coin Center executive director Jerry Brito. New York Law School professor Houman Shadab. BitPay chief compliance officer Tim Byun; and TeraExchange president and co-founder Leonard Nuara. While only covering basic elements about the subject and sidestepping larger questions about bitcoin's classification as a currency or commodity, the roughly two-hour....
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has announced that it is investigating whether it has the authority to regulate bitcoin and other digital currencies, Reuters reports. "We are looking into that," Mark Wetjen, the CFTC's acting chairman, said at an industry conference. "It's been initiated, there's been an internal discussion at the staff level." The CFTC, which regulates the swaps and futures market, is studying whether bitcoin falls under the same rules as commodities markets, according to Wetjen. He said: "I think people [within the CFTC] believe there's a pretty good....
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) was one of the more vocal US government entities on the subject of bitcoin in 2014, holding a hearing to discuss its role in options and futures, claiming regulatory oversight over the derivatives market and speculating on how it might intervene in the digital currency ecosystem. Perhaps most notably, however, CFTC CommissionerMark Wetjen penned an opinion piece heralding the technology's potential to transform the industries his agency oversees. But while the CFTC and Wetjen in particular have been open with their views on bitcoin, the....
The struggle between US regulatory agencies about who can act in cases involving Bitcoin continues as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, an independent United States Federal agency determined that it has enforcement powers against price manipulation in Bitcoin markets. This agency was established in 1974 by the Commodity Futures Trading Act to promote “competitive and efficient futures markets and protect investors against manipulation, abusive trade practices and fraud.” In remarks at the Bitcoin conference held at Bloomberg, CFTC Commissioner Mark Wetjen stated when asked if his....
The Chamber of Digital Commerce (CDC) has appointed Mark Wetjen, head of global public policy at the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), to its board of advisors. The DTCC, the world’s top post-trade market infrastructure for international financial services, has joined the chamber’s executive committee. The DTCC processed nearly $1.5 quadrillion in securities transactions in 2015. Prior to DTCC, Wetjen was a commissioner at the U.S. Commodity and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Wetjen Sees Big Opportunities. Wetjen said new technologies are creating opportunities to....