Nifty News: Bored & Hungry? Or want to listen to a podcast hosted by a Mutant...

Nifty News: Bored & Hungry? Or want to listen to a podcast hosted by a Mutant...

Bored Ape Yacht Club owners can take advantage of IP rights by auditioning for a BAYC movie trilogy, while other popular NFT characters now make up the cast of iHeartMedia's latest podcast venture. Bored Apes take on the restaurant and movie businessThe Bored Ape Yacht Club, or BAYC, NFT holders own the intellectual property rights to their specific apes and can use the likeness of their ape(s) for commercial purposes. One such BAYC member, Andy Nguyen, decided to open a Bored Ape-themed restaurant aptly named Bored & Hungry in Long Beach, California. Nguyen is a food entrepreneur who has....

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101 Bored Apes NFT auction at Sotheby's closes at more than $24M

Yuga Labs auctioned off collections of Bored Ape Yacht Club and Bored Ape Kennel Club NFT that generated $24 million and $1.83 million respectively. The auction of Yuga Labs’ 101 Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection has smashed through expectations with a winning bid of $24.39 million. The auction closed on Sept.10 and was hosted by the prestigious auction house Sotheby’s which had earlier estimated the collection would fetch between $12 million and $18 million.The bundle of non-fungibles consists of 101 Bored Apes and three M1 and three M2 “Mutant serum” NFTs. When a Bored Ape token is....

Nifty News: The Red Ape Family show, Mini Royale on Solana and The Weeknd’s N...

Learn more about a Bored Ape Yacht Club animated series, The Weeknd's Blinding Lights NFT drop, the Mini Royale: Nations game's popularity and RadioShack's foray into DeFi. Catch up on nonfungible token (NFT)-related news this week as Cointelegraph rounds up the stories you don't want to miss. Bored Apes gets cast in an TV seriesThe Red Ape Family (TRAF) is a new animated comedy series centered on Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs. Episodes are sold as individual NFTs and run between 5 to 10 minutes long. The plot is about a family of Bored Apes that escape Earth to live on Mars.OpenSea is....

It seems NFT-themed Bored & Hungry restaurant no longer accepts crypto

The alleged removal is a bit strange considering Bored and Hungry only opened its doors back in April. The Los Angeles Times reported Friday that recently opened NFT-themed burger joint Bored & Hungry no longer accepts cryptocurrency as a form of payment for its food.When questioned, one Bored & Hungry employee told the Los Angeles Times “Not today — I don’t know.” The individual didn’t give any indication of when the decision was made to cut crypto from the menu of payment options, nor did they know if crypto payments would be making a return.Bored & Hungry initially launched back in....

OpenSea freezes $2.2M of stolen Bored Apes

Art gallery owner Todd Kramer had his valuable NFT collection stolen from his hot wallet yesterday, so OpenSea froze the stolen assets worth about $2.2 million. NFT marketplace OpenSea has frozen 16 Bored Ape and Mutant Ape nonfungible tokens (NFT) after they were reportedly stolen yesterday from a New York art gallery operator.In total, one Clonex, seven Mutant Ape Yacht Club, and eight Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs currently valued at about 615 ETH ($2.28 million) were stolen and are now not able to be traded on OpenSea.The toddkramer.eth account, which links to the Ross+Kramer Art Gallery....

Time For The Apes: Mutant Ape Yacht Club And BAYC Sales Surge, Floor Prices S...

Both BAYC and Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) NFT sales have risen since Eminem disclosed that he purchased a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible token (NFT) for $452K. Time For The Mutant Apes To Eat Last week, Mutant Ape Yacht Club topped other NFTs with a massive increase in sales volume. The initiative, which began at Bored Ape Yacht Club, saw two serum sales of more than $3.5 million each, helping Bored Ape Chemistry Club to make the top ten list. The Mutant Ape Yacht Club floor price has continued to grow, and additional serum sales could keep the NFT collection in the spotlight.....