Drunk Robots Announces 4 Massive New Partnerships and a 5,000,000 $METAL Batt...
The post-apocalyptic city of Los Machines has become the hub of Play2Earn activity. After a sold-out IDO, Animoca Brands-backed Drunk Robots has partnered up with Infinity Force and 3 major guilds – has just rehauled its game economy after a sold-out IDO, increasing the rewards and making it even easier to enter the game. Drink, fight, earn After ‘play to earn’ and ‘move to earn’, has the time come for ‘drink and fight to earn’? At least that’s what the robots of Los Machines do all day long: consume vast quantities of beer, then thrash each other around. Despite this violent premise,....
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The Drunk Robots team just made a huge announcement: their IDO will launch on April 7 on the Liquidifty, GameFi and TrustPad platforms! It’s time for followers of the project, as well as lovers of beer, robots, and good old-fashioned brawls, to celebrate! Don’t miss this first chance to grab some $METAL tokens, as well as to invest in Drunk Robots alongside the project’s notable supporters, including animoca brands, merit circle, gate.io, zb.com, and 1inch! About Drunk Robots Drunk Robots is a play-to-earn RPG brawler built on the Binance Smart Chain. Players will make a name for....
Get ready to crack open a cold one and crack some metallic skulls, because the Drunk Robots IDO is launching April 7 on Liquidifty, GameFi and TrustPad! This hilarious, high-octane brawler is set to shake up the Play-to-Earn market, and now’s your chance to grab some $METAL tokens and throw your hat in the ring […]
Get ready to be part of the neo-punk city of Los Machines and crush your enemies with your steel fists in the NFT-game “Drunk Robots” on April 7th on Liquidifty, GameFi, and TrustPad. IDO “Drunk Robots” will launch in a few days at three platforms at once. It won’t be long before you enter the futuristic neo-punk world of Los Machines, a futuristic city overrun by drunken robots looking to hoard metal. This is fun, high-octane brawler should shake up the Play-to-Earn market, and now you have a chance to get some $METAL tokens and throw your hat into the ring....
Futurists imagine a day where robots might own ‘themselves’, and even trade property with other robots. Some believe bitcoin could even become the ‘currency of AI.’ Robotic Bitcoiners. What if robots are self-sovereign entities and they can own property, own money, have legal rights and so forth? “There’s actually a lot of precedence for that,” says Jeff....
The robots are coming, and they’re getting smaller, smarter and cheaper. While today, businesses may own just a single drone, one day, large parts of whole industries could be overseen by a new generation of robots. But, how will groups of these robots perform useful tasks like collecting crop data or organizing around a common goal? That's one role for the blockchain proposed in a new white paper from MIT Media Lab research affiliate Eduardo Castelló Ferrer. The eight-year robotics veteran believes that by using the blockchain to distribute information, whole armies of robots could solve....