Valuing Bitcoin Using Credit Default Swaps With Greg Foss
In this episode of "Fed Watch," Greg Foss discussed credit default swaps, central banks and the futures of debt and bitcoin.Watch This Episode On YouTubeListen To This Episode:AppleSpotifyGoogleLibsynOvercastIn this episode of Bitcoin Magazine’s “Fed Watch” podcast, Christian Keroles and Ansel Lindner spoke with Greg Foss, who “has a 30-year history in banks, bonds and the credit markets as a whole. His insights around Bitcoin and the state of the banking industry and the global economy are amazing,” according to an online biography. Foss is the second Canadian guest in the last three....
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Credit those who are trying to bring the transparency and security of the block chain to the chaotic financial markets. They recognize the need for a reliable mechanism to prevent the type of disaster visited upon the credit default swaps (CDS) market this past weekend. A cadre of financial institutions agreed in principle to a $1.87 billion settlement for allegedly conspiring to muzzle competition in the CDS market. The complete story behind this record settlement could take years to unravel. U. S. and European regulators are still investigating. In the meantime, the growing chorus of....
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