Gloria Zhao Becomes First Female Bitcoin Core Maintainer, Pieter Wuille Steps...
Zhao gained the Bitcoin Core maintainer status on Thursday as Marco Falke merged her PGP key fingerprint as a trusted key onto the codebase.Developer Gloria Zhao has become the first known woman to join the select cohort of Bitcoin Core maintainers.Bitcoin Core maintainers have commit permissions to the repository and are responsible for merging contributions from other developers onto the codebase. In the context of software development through versioning systems such as GitHub, to commit means to add or change code in a project. Usually, open-source project owners are the ones with....
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More than 30 Bitcoin Core developers and contributors have signed an open letter to the bitcoin community about the process of reaching a technical consensus for bitcoin scalability. Signatories on the list include current Bitcoin Core maintainer Wladimir van der Laan, Blockstream co-founder Pieter Wuille, tree chains developer Peter Todd and litecoin creator Charlie Lee, though former Bitcoin Core maintainer Gavin Andresen and bitcoinJ developer Mike Hearn are notably absent. The letter follows weeks of heated debate regarding whether the network should be augmented to allow for more....
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Bitcoin Core developer Gloria Zhao shares what it’s like to work on Bitcoin and why the code needs to be maintained for the long-term security of the network.