How a game engine for DeFi could facilitate accelerated development

How a game engine for DeFi could facilitate accelerated development

It’s not just scalability: could a new smart contract development paradigm be the key to unlocking mainstream DeFi? The beating heart of any ecosystem of decentralized applications, DApps, is its underlying technology stack. For Ethereum (ETH), this is its “Nakamoto” consensus, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) execution environment, and Solidity programming language. Together, these technologies have allowed smart contract developers to propel decentralized finance (DeFi) from concept to reality.For DeFi to make the next leap - to mainstream adoption - scalability is the technological....

Related News A New Bitcoin Bomberman Experience

This past year the discussion of Bitcoin and gaming has risen in popularity quite a bit. Many new games have entered the blockchain environment. Everything from card trading games like Spells of Genesis to Minecraft servers that allow cryptocurrency trade. A new game has entered the playing field called which is a clone of the classic video game hit Bomberman, but this game allows Bitcoiners to chat and win their favorite digital currency. “Hey people, I’ve been working on a multiplayer game platform for a while, made my own web engine, graphics engine and a game engine. The....

Nifty News: Dr Disrespect unveils NFT game to mixed reaction, FC Barcelona's ...

Shib Eternity unveiled as the name of Shiba Inu’s upcoming mobile NFT game, and Funko will launch sets of NFT packs depicting Avatar character collectibles. Gaming YouTube streamer "Dr Disrespect" unveiled the first sneak peek of his upcoming NFT shooter game dubbed Deadrop on July 30. The initial reaction has been mixed, however, with some underwhelmed by the game’s lack of polish given that Dr Disrepect boasted in a now-deleted Tweet from June that it “already blows out anything” from the Call of Duty game engine.User @Jonesy_Actual stated the game currently looks “like an arcade shooter....

Minecraft Developer Accepting Dogecoin for New Game

Games developer Markus Persson has announced his first commercial release since Minecraft - a tongue-in-cheek spoof seemingly designed to make fun of the big studios. Furthermore, he is accepting optional payment in dogecoin. The PC-only game, dubbed 'Cliffhorse', is as simple and outlandish as it gets. The user controls a galloping horse through a 3D environment, chasing a ball, neatly textured in what appears to be animal hide. Persson has admitted he made the game in just two hours, building it using the prolific Unity engine and largely using resources included in the engine by....

Tech Bureau and NEM Develop Catapult Blockchain Engine

Tech Bureau Corp is one of the most prominent blockchain players in Japan, and their partnership with NEW will lead to the development of a new blockchain engine called Catapult. This new engine is an augmented and amended version of Mijin, which was also developed in partnership with NEM. The Catapult Blockchain Engine. Blockchain development in Japan seems to be firing on all cylinders these days, as the strengthened alliance between Tech Bureau Corp. and NEM leads to a next-generation project. Although Catapult was initially intended to be launched in 2014, various new features have....

The Top 5 Most Promising DeFi Staking Opportunities of 2021

DeFi has become extremely deep-rooted as an established breakthrough to a crippling economy. The opportunities that the present DeFi landscape offers to participants are undeniably profound. The space has, without a doubt, accelerated wealth creation among the masses. And one of the strongest contributing mechanisms that serve as proof that DeFi has completely reformed the […]