Just another bubble? Bitcoin price tops follow Chinese debt cycles, new resea...
Events in China could have been dictating Bitcoin price action not just this year, but since its genesis, data hints. Bitcoin (BTC) may be hitting new all-time highs, but it may just be another bubble, new research suggests.Unveiling a theory that could well rile Bitcoin bulls, analytics guru Material Scientist revealed what seems to be a strong correlation between Bitcoin price cycles and Chinese debt cycles.Casting doubt on the power of Bitcoin halvingsWith BTC/USD hitting its latest all-time high in April 2021, expectations are high that another will come before the end of the....
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A sovereign debt crisis is brewing in Europe, and it will likely perpetuate the euro's devaluation and pave the path for Bitcoin.
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Bitcoin price charts are an amazing sight to behold. Past market cycles that used to look like bubbles that popped and fizzled out, eventually are eclipsed by the next major crypto uptrend. Another such instance is well underway, but when zooming out, the perspective shows just how distant the peak of this current cycle very well could be from here. Bullish Bitcoin Bubble Is Nowhere Near Popping, Past Cycles Show Bitcoin derives its value from […]