MyEtherWallet founder weighs in on the most crypto-friendly country
Crypto-friendly regulation may be in the eye of the beholder. With nations around the world each holding significantly different regulations, what is the most crypto-friendly country? Kosala Hemachandra, CEO and founder of MyEtherWallet, labeled the query as a tough one. “First we have to define what crypto-friendly means,” Hemachandra told Cointelegraph. “Some countries, like China, are looking at issuing government digital currencies, which would encourage swift adoption, but is not faithful to the decentralized spirit of crypto.”China has proven itself as one of the less-crypto-friendly....
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According to a research conducted by digital asset exchange aggregator Coincub, Germany was the most crypto-friendly country in the first quarter of this year. Singapore, the previous leader, has fallen to second place, while the United States has climbed to third. Germany was ranked fourth last year on Coincub’s list of the most crypto-friendly country. […]
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We ask the buidlers in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector for their thoughts on the industry… and we throw in a few random zingers to keep them on their toes! This week, our 6 Questions go to Olga Kupchevskaya, vice president of research and development for MyEtherWallet.Olga is vice president of research and development for MyEtherWallet. She has a strong passion for learning, which brought her to blockchain technology and led her to complete a masters in computer science, with research emphasis on blockchain scalability solutions. In her role with MyEtherWallet, she oversees the....
The level of freedoms that the U.S. has provides an argument for the country as the most crypto-friendly location, although Puerto Rico also has its benefits. As a burgeoning industry less than 13 years old, cryptocurrency has seen its fair share of regulatory crackdowns and changes, especially in the United States. Jake Yocom-Piatt, co-founder of Decred, however, sees the nation as the most crypto-friendly.“Cryptocurrencies are treated as personal property in most jurisdictions, so their tax treatment is relatively uniform,” Yocom-Piatt said. He continued:“Cryptocurrency transactions are....