Report: Bitcoin mining network accounts for 0.08% of world's CO2 production

Report: Bitcoin mining network accounts for 0.08% of world's CO2 production

In addition to environmental metrics, the U.S. now accounts for 49% of the world's Bitcoin cash rate. In a new report published by CoinShares on Monday, the firm estimated that the Bitcoin (BTC) mining network emitted 42 megatons, or Mt, (1Mt = 1 million tons) of carbon dioxide, or CO2, in 2021. In context, the number amounts to less than 0.08% of the world's total emissions of 49,360 Mts of CO2 in the same year. CoinShares came to such figures using a variety of estimates regarding the efficiency of the Bitcoin network, its energy use, hardware, etc., on a global scale. As a result, it....

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