Privacy-preserving computation on blockchains could prevent breaches
Business is a resource game, and blockchain offers a means to win it, enabling interoperability with privacy-preserving computation. In the 19th century, the barons of American industries rose to prominence by leveraging their hold on tangible resources like oil and steel. Today, corporate titans seek to attain even greater heights of wealth by gathering consumer data. But now, like then, the benefits of accumulating such resources come paired with a significant business risk: spillage.Like oil spills, data leaks — regardless of whether they occur accidentally or as a result of hacker....
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One of blockchain’s greatest challenges that’s yet to be solved is the lack of confidentiality and privacy of data. It’s a challenge that needs to be addressed though, because until a solution is found then blockchain will always be out of the question for enterprises that put a premium on data privacy above all of […]