As Bitcoin Mining Hits All-Time Highs, Access To ASICs Is Key
As bitcoin propels its mining industry to new heights, the challenge of obtaining new equipment is critical.Like many providers in the space, international bitcoin mining services company Compass Mining is on a roll. With the success of BTC and rising mining revenues — now at an all-time high of $60 million per day — this rapidly-growing startup finds itself squarely in the middle of a bull run.Founded in October 2020, Compass has been able to capitalize on a growing demand for mining services, particularly through access to new ASICs in a very tight mining equipment market. In a news....
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Compass Mining is launching a sales platform for individual miners where anyone can register as a vendor to buy and sell used ASICs.
An ASIC is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit. They are specially designed pieces of hardware for performing the Litecoin hashing algorithms necessary to mine a specific coin and verify hashed transactions. These pieces of hardware are designed and manufactured to perform necessary hashing and nothing else. With the increasing valuation of Bitcoin, in fiat terms, the economic viability of ASICs begun to make sense some time ago. The development of ASICs to do SHA256 became a reality. There were issues along the way with bringing them to market, but ASICs have arrived. With the....