Michael Saylor doesn't think Bitcoin is ‘going to be currency in the US ever’
The MicroStrategy boss thinks Bitcoin is a form of property and points out that the U.S. Government is not threatened by other forms of property. MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor thinks that Bitcoin is more like digital property than digital currency.He was speaking on the July 15 edition of the “Coin Stories” podcast with host Natalie Brunell. Asked if he thought that Bitcoin was a threat to the U.S. dollar Saylor replied:“I would call it a digital property, it's a threat to property, it's particularly a threat to other forms of property: gold is property, real estate is property. I don't....
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Michael Saylor has been a bitcoin evangelist and dollar doomsayer for less than 6 months. But the bits that would become his bitcoin philosophy began forming three decades ago.
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