Stablecoins’ recent depegging is not a ‘real threat to financial stability,’ ...

Stablecoins’ recent depegging is not a ‘real threat to financial stability,’ ...

Terra's UST dropped as low as $0.29 and Tether's USDT stablecoin briefly depegged from the dollar to hit $0.96 on Wednesday. According to United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the stablecoin market is not at the scale at which the drop in the price of TerraUSD (UST) and Tether (USDT) below $1 would present a threat to the country’s financial stability.In a Thursday hearing of the House Financial Services Committee on the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Annual Report to Congress, Yellen hinted that the stablecoin market was not yet at a size in which UST dropping to under....

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