Charlie Lee Sums Up Litecoin’s 10 Years History. Part Four: SegWit Activation

Charlie Lee Sums Up Litecoin’s 10 Years History. Part Four: SegWit Activation

Today is the day, Litecoin’s 10th anniversary. Congratulations to Charlie Lee and everyone involved in the project over the years. We are exploring Litecoin’s history through the eyes of its creator. We covered its fair launch, the long-hard road to exchanges adopting LTC, and we introduced the SegWit story. It’s time to finish it.  The last time, we introduced Bitmain’s co-founder Jihan Wu. Reportedly, he was singlehandedly stopping SegWit adoption in the Bitcoin blockchain. Lee’s plan was to use Litecoin as a Testnet of sorts for SegWit. “I realized that here’s a chance for....

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Charlie Lee Tips Litecoin Price To Reach $14 On SegWit Activation

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Litecoin: Bitmain Trades Sides, Supports SegWit Activation

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