Bitcoin Transforms Evil Into A Greater Good

Bitcoin Transforms Evil Into A Greater Good

The duality of evil and good are reconciled in a technology designed to acknowledge inherent human characteristics.Bitcoin, Alchemy of Money: Transforming Evil Into Greater GoodBitcoin teaches us that evil can be overcome, not with resistance or punishment, but through our willingness to understand and integrate all sides of our nature. From resource wars to human rights abuses and economic exploitation, greed and selfishness is now out of control. This has led to the breakdown of the current systems of accountability and a deepening crisis of liberal democracy which has exposed the....

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Cryptography. A hash is a function which transforms any number or string into a fixed size output which is impossible to do in reverse without trying all possible inputs. As an example of a simple hash function, consider the square root: the square root of 17202 is easy to calculate - it's about 131.15639519291463, so a simple hash function might be the later digits of this, 9291463. However, given just 9291463 it's much harder to figure out what number it came from, and you basically have to go through all the possibilities. Modern cryptographic hashes like SHA-256 are a much more complex....