Inflation got you down? 5 ways to accumulate crypto with little to no cost
As high inflation destroys the purchasing power of fiat, these options offer hodlers a way to add to their portfolio without breaking the bank. Experienced crypto traders know that bull markets are for selling and bear markets are for accumulation, but the latter can be difficult amid a backdrop of surging inflation that saps the purchasing power of fiat currencies. As the crypto market heads deeper into crypto winter, with prices in the gutter and developers focused on creating the next popular protocol or breakout token, some crypto fans have begun to explore new ways of increasing their....
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The concept of an inflation-linked “stablecoin” has been trialed before, but time is yet to prove whether it is working as intended. Blockchain tech firm Laguna Labs has launched a testnet for its in-development “flatcoin” — a spin-off of stablecoin tokens — pegged to the cost of living rather than a fiat currency or a commodity. In an Oct. 24 announcement, Laguna Labs said that the Nuon flatcoin is unlike tokens tied to fiat currencies, such as the United States dollar, as it is pegged to the cost of living via “daily unbiased, authentic, and on-chain inflation data.”The firm said the....
Inflation rates have been rising for some time now. This is attributed to the indiscriminate printing of fiat money by the Fed and has been a growing concern to investors, especially those investing for the long term. United States inflation rates have now risen to 7% as Biden’s administration continues to be rocked by inflation concerns. This high growth rate has led investors to look for ways to hedge for inflation. Now, gold has always been the standard inflation hedge. It has dominated the market for decades, and for thousands of years of human civilization, it has been the agreed-upon....
Americans are still concerned about dealing with inflation, as the cost of goods and services has continued to rise significantly in a short period of time. The Federal Reserve has published the latest Survey of Consumer Expectations report and U.S. households believe inflation will be up 5.3% one year from now. In addition to the dreary economic outlook, gas prices across the U.S. have skyrocketed up more than $1 from a year ago.
New York Fed’s Survey of Consumer Expectations Continues to Look Gloomy
After 2020’s massive monetary expansion, in order to help the....
Crypto can act as protection against inflation, but not until it establishes its fundamentals and achieves mass adoption. Cryptocurrencies present a unique solution, given their lack of a central governing bank. You can’t lose trust in something that doesn’t exist. Its supply is finite, so it naturally appreciates in value. People using a blockchain with proof-of-stake protocols can access their funds at any time, while continuously earning staking rewards on their current balance. This means that the actual value of annual percentage yield is tied to the economic activity on the chain via....
America’s media, central bankers, and bureaucrats continue to debate the rising inflation in the U.S. that has raised the cost of living and increased the prices of goods and services nationwide. Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., believes the inflation is “only going to get worse” and he published a report on the issue and blamed excessive coronavirus relief spending by Congress. Furthermore, a new decentralized method of measuring inflation has been introduced called Truflation, a tool that provides a “daily, unbiased, data-driven, real-market inflation rate.”....