Will Austria Get 12 Bitcoin ATMs Soon?
Media Markt, a chain of electronic retailers has decided to launch Bitcoin ATMs in Austria. The German multinational chain of retailers would install these ATMs across the whole nation, users can now withdraw Bitcoin from Kurant vending machines. Media Markt has a huge presence around Europe. The European Union has been quite warm regarding crypto […]
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As a growing number of governments are looking to tap into crypto profits, authorities in Austria have indicated their intention to tax gains from digital asset investments just like those from stocks and bonds. The move is expected to increase trust and access to cryptocurrencies.
Austria to Apply Capital Gains Tax to Bitcoin, Make Crypto More Accessible
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Austrian and German energy provider Switch has begun accepting Bitcoin for gas and electricity bill payments. In a press release and Facebook post Wednesday, Switch, which is wholly owned by EnergieAllianz Austria, said the move marked a first for Austrian energy customers. “With the introduction of cryptocurrency Bitcoin as a payment method in Austria we’re aiming to cater principally to digitally-aware customers and other interested parties,” CEO Christoph Schmidt said in the accompanying release. Billing literature can now also be issued in Bitcoin for those opting to use it for....
Worldwide, close to 10,000 new Bitcoin ATMs have been installed since March 1, 2020. Since March 1, 2020, the number of new Bitcoin ATMs installed worldwide is nearing 10,000. According to the latest data from Coin ATM Radar, the current number of machines stands at 16,835, a strong 57.5% increase, or 9,683 new machines, as compared with 7,152 last year.Back in Nov. 2020, Cointelegraph had reported a striking year-on-year increase of 80%. As previously, the vast majority of machines continue to be located in the United States, where 81% (13,699 out of 16,835 machines globally) are....