1,000 Decade-Old Dormant Bitcoins Moved Today on Bitcoin’s 12th Anniversary
12 years ago, Bitcoin’s inventor Satoshi Nakamoto launched the network after revealing the cryptocurrency concept via the white paper a few months prior. At approximately 18:15:05 UTC, the network launched its first block and since then, over 664,000 bitcoin blocks have been mined. Moreover, on the 12th anniversary of the network coming to life, a large string of 2010 block rewards started moving after more than ten years of sitting idle. The 12th Anniversary of the Bitcoin Blockchain Cryptocurrency proponents are celebrating the invocation of the first computational network to solve....
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On January 10, another strange string of 20 bitcoin block rewards from 2010 was spent after sitting idle for over ten years. The spending of 1,000 decade-old bitcoins worth over $39 million today, follows the recent string of 1,000 units transferred on the 12th anniversary of Bitcoin’s genesis block launch. Seven days ago an old-school miner spent 20 block rewards from 2010 that held approximately 1,000 decade-old bitcoins. The interesting spending took place on January 3, 2021, on the 12th anniversary of the Bitcoin network’s start. Following that string of 2010 block rewards....
On Bitcoin’s 12th anniversary, a mystery miner from the early days spent 1,000 decade-old bitcoins that were mined in 2010. The strange miner was not the only entity that spent 2010 BTC block rewards during the last nine months, but this miner returned on a few occasions to spend strings of ten-year-old block rewards. As the end of 2021 nears, 152 blocks with 7,600 bitcoin worth $319 million today and minted in 2010 have been spent this year after sitting idle for over a decade. **Editor’s note: This article was updated at 12:40 p.m. (EST) on Sept. 28, 2021, to include....
Experts in the blockchain and crypto industry make their wishes for Bitcoin’s 12th birthday While the crypto community decides whether Bitcoin (BTC) was born — or merely conceived — 12 years ago, the fact is that Oct. 31, 2008, remains one of the most notable dates in humanity’s modern history. Exactly 12 years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto published what some have described as “a new bible” — Bitcoin’s white paper. Designed as a brand new “purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash,” many see the creation of Bitcoin as a response to a global financial crisis.Related: Happy birthday dear....
Around 1.8 million Bitcoin has been dormant for over a decade. A significant amount of Bitcoin's (BTC) total supply has not moved for more than 10 years, according to data from cryptocurrency analytics data provider Glassnode.During this decade-long interim, 1.8 million Bitcoin (of the current 18.5 million supply) has been locked in dormant Bitcoin addresses. Its cumulative value amounts to more than $23 billion at the time of publication, according to data from Coin360.BTC dormant over 10 years. Source: GlassnodeA large portion of these coins may belong to Bitcoin’s mysterious creator,....
Tomorrow marks the 12th anniversary of the Bitcoin white paper.