Financial Superintendence of Colombia Presents Project to Regulate Crypto Ser...

Financial Superintendence of Colombia Presents Project to Regulate Crypto Ser...

The Financial Superintendence of Colombia presented a project that seeks to bring clarity to how links between banks and virtual asset service providers (VASPs) will be handled in the future. The document defines certain key concepts and determines a set of prerequisites that banks need to verify before accepting virtual asset service providers as customers. Virtual Asset Service Providers to Be Regulated in Colombia Regulation is becoming a key goal for countries in Latam, where cryptocurrency adoption is growing at significant rates. Now, the Financial Superintendence of....

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Translation Of Statement From The Financial Superintendence of Colombia: Risk Of The Operations Made With "Virtual Currencies"

This is a translation of the statement made by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, translation provided by our Spanish Editor Adrián Calvo. His Spanish language article on the subject can be found here. Make sure to check out our Spanish coverage of Bitcoin news and other Cryptocoins news at Noticias Sobre Bitcoin. The key point in this Bitcoin warning is in the last few sentences: Finally, this Superintendency notes that supervised entities are not authorized to guard, invest or mediate with virtual currencies. Additionally, people are responsible to know and accept the risks....

Colombian gov’t invites companies to trial its crypto transaction framework

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Colombian Financial Superintendence Prepares Norms for Crypto Transactions

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Pro-crypto Colombian congressman highlights legalization challenges

He went so far as to call for the preconceptions surrounding crypto to be demystified. Mauricio Toro, Colombian congressman of the Alianza Verde party, has authored a draft bill meant to regulate the crypto industry within his country. During a recent interview with Confidential Colombia, Toro outlined some of the hurdles his proposed legislation may face.Toro, who believes Colombia is lagging behind other nations in terms of crypto regulation, said that one of the main challenges is to make certain that the crypto industry is compliant with AML procedures. His hope is that this will....