Speedy Trial And The LOT=True Client
This episode of “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado” covered the final implementation details of Speedy Trial.Watch This Episode On YouTubeListen To This Episode:AppleSpotifyGoogleLibsynOvercastIn this episode of “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado,” hosts Aaron van Wirdum and Sjors Provoost discussed the final implementation details of Speedy Trial, the Taproot activation mechanism included in Bitcoin Core 0.21.1. Van Wirdum and Provoost also compared Speedy Trial to the alternative BIP 8 LOT=true activation client.After more than a year of deliberation, the Bitcoin Core project has merged Speedy Trial as....
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BIP119, which adds limited covenants to Bitcoin, is the current conversation and many people question if Speedy Trial for Taproot was a good precedent.
This episode of "The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado" is about Speedy Trial, the proposed Taproot activation mechanism that has been gaining traction in recent weeks.
Speedy Trial has been merged into Bitcoin Core, offering a path toward the Taproot protocol upgrade is miners signal their overwhelming support.
The well known software developer Luke Dashjr is in the midst of controversy over how to upgrade the Bitcoin network in order to add the Taproot protocol. Bitcoin Core developers want to upgrade with “Speedy trial,” which will allow miners to push the feature through. However, Luke Dashjr wants to upgrade in a different manner, and considers the proposal an “attack on Bitcoin” as it’s “not a good thing” from his perspective. Bitcoin Developers Find Controversy Over Taproot Activation Bitcoin developers have revealed “Speedy trial support for....
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