Bitcoin Songsheet: Bitcoin Maximalism Is The Continuation Of The Cypherpunk E...
Examining the various innovations that led to the Bitcoin white paper shows us that only Bitcoin continues the Cypherpunk ethos.This is an opinion editorial by Jimmy Song, a Bitcoin developer, educator and entrepreneur and programmer with over 20 years of experience.It's white paper day and for most people, they think of October 31, 2008 as the beginning of Bitcoin. This is understandable, since the release of the white paper and the subsequent launch of the network are celebratory events. As great as these days are, this is a very limited understanding of what happened.There was a large....
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Trying to define and apply the label of Bitcoin Maximalism is a non-productive criticism that obscures more than it clarifies.
There has been a lot of digital ink spilled about the concept of Bitcoin Maximalism, but there are things the critics don’t understand.
For three days, thousands of Bitcoiners convened in the French coastal city of Biarritz to dive deep on Bitcoin, network, and promote Bitcoin maximalism.
Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism can serve an important purpose to ward off newcomers from scams and altcoins, but is there a time when the toxicity is too much?
Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn found the cypherpunks mailing list when he was 19. Since then, he has been lucky enough to work on cypherpunk-oriented technologies for most of his adult life. Currently, Zooko is the CEO of Zcash, which is a truly anonymous alternative to Bitcoin. Zooko was recently interviewed on Epicenter Bitcoin, and he shared some of his thoughts related to the recent revival of the cypherpunk movement. In his view, Bitcoin has given this technological revolution new life. Who Are the Cypherpunks? The definition of a cypherpunk tends to vary based on whom you ask, but the....