Indian central securities depository to back up its monitoring of bonds by bl...
In the future, India’s NDSL and the Securities Board division will welcome other entities to join the decentralized network. The National Securities Depository (NSDL), India’s central securities depository based in Mumbai, launched blockchain-based security and covenant monitoring platform. NSDL officially launched the distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform on Saturday during its 25th-anniversary presentation, alongside the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The platform is expected to strengthen the monitoring of security and governance in the corporate bonds market to....
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The National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s sole central securities depository (CSD), has announced it has tested a blockchain-based voting system. The de-facto securities system by law, the NSD provides settlement services for government bonds, municipal bonds and corporate bonds, accounting for 99% of domestic corporate bond issues. The announcement notably follows similar action in the US markets, with the DTCC revealing it is participating in trials and tests related to the emerging technology earlier this year. According to a release, the NSD used the NXT blockchain system to....
A memorandum of understanding signed today sees Russia’s National Settlement Depository (NSD) and the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CDSC) – both their respective countries’ central securities depositories – partner to develop blockchain applications in the post-trade space. The partnership was announced today by the NSD, which has also engaged in a similar endeavor to develop blockchain solutions with the central securities depository of South Africa, in September this year. At the time, chairman of the NSD executive board Eddie Astanin was bullish on seeing....
The National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, has developed and successfully tested an e-proxy voting system running on a distributed ledger built with the NXT distributed cryptographic platform. The project's open-source code is available on GitHub. The NSD, a member of the Moscow Exchange, is a Russian nonbanking credit organization, Russia’s central depository and a professional securities market player. The organization provides depository, banking settlement and relevant services to market players. “Over the past ten years, the global financial....
The central securities depositories (CSDs) in Russia and China have signed a memorandum of understanding that sets the stage for the two institutions to begin partnering on post-trade blockchain applications. Announced today, the deal will see Russia’s National Settlement Depository (NSD) and China’s Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC) "exchange experience and information” on a range of issues, according to an announcement from NSD. The two institutions will also collaborate on experimenting with fintech, which will include trials involving blockchain.....
Russia's central securities depository (CSD) is working with a tech startup to test the exchange and transfer of blockchain assets. The project is part of a broader fintech initiative conducted in partnership between the Russian National Settlement Depository (NSD) and the National Research University's Higher School of Economics. A total of 10 startups took part. NSD is working with a startup called iCoinSoft, which according to its website designs white label exchange software for cryptocurrencies. NSD said today that it was experimenting with "the circulation of blockchain....