Is The NFT Market Dead? New Study Sheds Light
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were some of the most popular assets around the world in 2021. The digital assets took over the world and it seems as if everyone, across multiple industries, launched an NFT collection. Related Reading | Bitcoin Could Hit $100K By Yearend, Majority Of Fund Managers Predict, Based On Survey As the crypto market […]
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Bitcoin is dead. Bitcoin is dead, cry the critics. Like vultures at a funeral, financial pundits are circling. Each one is vying to print their "I told you, so"'s before the other - fighting like starving dogs over table scraps. Benign Parsimony. Bitcoin is dead, they say again. Miner's are shutting down. Services are running off with customer's coins. Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme. The Bitcoin CEO was arrested. Bitcoin is for drugs and money laundering. The price is falling, the price is falling. Hey... Henny Pennying is big business but I don't picture these individuals as Chicken Littles.....