Cool Valley Mayor Will Airdrop $1000 Worth Of BTC To Each Household
The small town of Cool Valley, Missouri, lives up to its name. Its mayor, Jayson Stewart, plans to give $1K in bitcoin to each household and the project is fully funded. To top it all of, the airdrop comes with education. The 1500 habitants will learn how to use wallets and interact with the network, and also will be incentivized to HODL the coins they receive. “We’re going to get people storing their own Bitcoin as quickly as possible,” the Cool Valley mayor said. Related Reading | New To Bitcoin? Learn To Trade Crypto With The NewsBTC Trading Course Cointelegraph recently....
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Missouri Mayor Jayson Stewart plans to give every household in Cool Valley $1000 worth of Bitcoin.
Jayson Stewart hinted Cool Valley residents could be required to HODL the funds for five years. The mayor of Cool Valley, Missouri said he was exploring giving more than $1 million in Bitcoin to the city’s 1,500 residents. In a Thursday interview with St. Louis news outlet KSDK, Mayor Jayson Stewart said he wanted to see “every single household in my city receive some level of Bitcoin.” Stewart said the funds would likely come from some “very supportive donors” but did not rule out using money from the government’s pandemic relief response to launch the venture.The mayor did not specify....
Mayor Jayson Stewart wants to give every resident $1,000 in bitcoin. Jayson Stewart is the mayor of Cool Valley, Missouri. A town that only has a population of 1,500. The mayor is raising money to give each of its 1,500 residents $1,000 in bitcoin. But there is a catch. The BTC the residents receive from […]
Cool Valley, Missouri, a small town of about 1,500 in the St. Louis County area, found itself the subject of international attention recently after its mayor, Jayson Stewart, announced that he planned to give each resident up to $1,000 in Bitcoin.Stewart, a passionate environmentalist who spent years cleaning up the worlds oceans and ran on a platform of correcting old mistakes, believes Bitcoin education holds keys to growing the prosperity, well-being and sustainability of his town. Just as he dreams of a world without the environmental damage caused by irresponsible litterers, he....
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