New Hampshire hopes its express approval of crypto-friendly law will attract ...
A New Hampshire bill would commit the state to a new UCC section before finalization to show its commitment to the blockchain industry. The New Hampshire House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday to adopt the new version of Chapter 12 of the Universal Commercial Code, or UCC, which will govern transfers of digital assets. The chapter is still in draft form, but if HB1503 is signed into law, New Hampshire will be the first U.S. state to adopt the chapter. Like the draft chapter of the UCC, the bill — titled “Exempting the developer, seller, or facilitator of the exchange of an open....
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The state motto of New Hampshire is "Live Free or Die". In January 1776, it became the first of the British North American colonies to establish a government independent of Great Britain's authority. So is it any wonder that it may indeed be the most Bitcoin-friendly place in the United States? The new film "101 Reasons: Liberty Lives in New Hampshire" shows what life in New Hampshire is all about. Also, how the revolutionary technology and currency of Bitcoin fit into its public mindset so perfectly. New Hampshire Accepts Bitcoin. The fact that New Hampshire has the highest disposable....
In a shock announcement, cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex announced it will suspend service to New Hampshire residents from October 6. New Hampshire Residents Must Withdraw Funds. Poloniex posted this announcement on its site: “Due to changes in New Hampshire’s regulatory statute as it applies to cryptocurrency, Poloniex will temporarily suspend New Hampshire account creation until further notice.” This means New Hampshire residents currently using Poloniex will need to close open orders and withdraw funds. This includes those with open margin positions. Poloniex is notifying all affected....
New Hampshire has a well-earned reputation for being one of the most libertarian, progressive, and affluent municipalities in the United States. And we have covered its natural love of the revolutionary digital currency Bitcoin here at CCN. Now, the one of the smallest states in the Union is looking to take a leading step in United States history with the proposal to allow New Hampshire residents to pay taxes and other state-sanctioned fees in Bitcoin. New Hampshire looking to work with Bitcoin. New Hampshire House Bill "NH HB552", introduced February 12th by eight New Hampshire state....
Rep. Mark Warden’s reelection campaign staff suggested the lawmaker open up to new forms of campaign contributions. It helps, I suppose, that New Hampshire already has a large community of Bitcoin advocates. In three days, Warden’s campaign raised 160 Bitcoins, which at that time last year was worth $1,600. That represented 14% of the candidate’s total fundraising for 2012’s election. Some of those funds came from users in other countries, excited to contribute to any politician who was giving at least some tacit approval to the cryptocurrency. “Everyone in the world wants to see Bitcoin....
The Porcupine Freedom Festival, or PorcFest, might be the most Bitcoin-friendly festival in the world. The week long festival, put on by the libertarian non-profit organization the Free State Project, just wrapped up its 13th annual instalment last Sunday. It took place at Roger’s Campground in Lancaster, in the far north of New Hampshire. PorcFest serves as both an outdoor camping festival and as a political conference. Registration staff estimated its attendance as high as 1,400 over the course of the week. CoinTelegraph was present at PorcFest to observe events and interview attendees.....