Bitcoin Versus Sats Denomination: Why Not Both?
Perhaps the best way to denominate bitcoin is a separation that displays both BTC and sats.Bitcoin is divisible down to the eighth decimal place. These subunits are called “satoshis” or just “sats.” One satoshi is 0.00000001 btc. Unfortunately this is impossible to read for small sat values. And as time goes on, we all expect bitcoin to keep appreciating to the point where smaller sat-denominated transactions will become the norm. So I’m generally on team #SatsTheStandard; instead of 0.00001042 btc, we can instead display:1,042 satsBut for large amounts we have the opposite problem.....
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Earning sats for the first time is a magical experience and NewsBTC is here to guide you through it. The Lightning Network gave bitcoin real micro-transactions with extremely low fees. That opened up new avenues for the bitcoin network to expand through, avenues that the world is just beginning to explore. In the following text, we will present five projects that pay their users or allows them to get tips from the community. In sats, using the Lightning Network. Unlike most altcoins, bitcoin is truly scarce, has a hard total cap, and wasn’t pre-mined. The rewards that the following....
It's not only the duty of the Bitcoin fathers out there, but the obligation to continue to stack sats for our children.
“Stacking Sats,” or purchasing small amounts of bitcoin over long periods of time, can pay off.
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Investment firm Ten31 has announced it will be supporting Open Sats and Bitcoin Q+A with grant funds sourced from its management fees.