Fort Worth, Texas Becomes First City Government In The U.S To Mine Bitcoin
The Texas Blockchain Council has donated three S9 bitcoin miners to Fort Worth, Texas for a six-month trial allowing the city to experience mining from within.Fort Worth, Texas has become the first city government in the U.S. to mine bitcoin. The city has accepted a donation of three S9 miners from the Texas Blockchain Council, in partnership with Luxor Technologies and Rhodium Enterprises.Fort Worth will run a trial period of six-months as they learn the industry in hopes to become a leading hub for mining. Fort Worth, Texas has officially become the first city government in the U.S. to....
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On Tuesday, Fort Worth mayor Mattie Parker and Fort Worth revealed that the city is now the first U.S. city government in the country to mine bitcoin. According to the announcement, the city of Fort Worth has partnered with the Texas Blockchain Council to embark on the crypto mining endeavor.
The City of Fort Worth Begins to Mine Bitcoins 24/7 With 3 ASIC Machines
Starting today, the city of Fort Worth in Texas is now mining bitcoin 24/7 at the climate-controlled Information Technology Solutions Department Data Center located at Fort Worth City Hall. The news was announced by....
"We are going to become the first city in the world to mine Bitcoin here on site at city hall," said Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker. Fort Worth, Texas has launched a pilot program to mine Bitcoin in partnership with the Texas Blockchain Council.In a Tuesday city council meeting, Fort Worth approved a resolution to start running three Antminer S9 Bitcoin (BTC) miners donated by the Texas Blockchain Council in the city hall building. The pilot program was aimed at recognizing “the exponential growth of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries” in addition to encouraging Fort Worth to....
Tomorrow, legislators of Fort Worth, Texas will vote on a bill for bitcoin mining while the City Council will receive three miners from the Texas Blockchain Council.
Fort Worth starting to mine bitcoin opens the door for more municipalities to put bitcoin mining proceeds into a permanent fund for future use.
The Texas Bitcoin Association will present the Texas Bitcoin Conference March 27-29, a technological summit to showcase new developments that support Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and its proliferation. The event will be held at Moody Theater, Home of "Austin City Limits Live," in Texas' capital city, and will spotlight the diversity of the Bitcoin community worldwide. "The Texas Bitcoin Conference is focusing on the blockchain and the many ways Bitcoin can impact finance, business and government beyond just by being a better payment rail," said Paul Snow, chairman of the Texas Bitcoin....