This time it’s different: When DeFi meets NFTs
The success of future crypto products will depend on their ability to engage both decentralized finance and nonfungible token users. With decentralized finance and nonfungible tokens seeing a meteoric rise, it’s easy to believe crypto apps are finally breaking through. But is there actually real user growth, or is it just the same influencers moving from one hyped market to the next? We sought to answer this puzzle and identify what it means for the future of innovation. So, let’s take a closer look at the growth of DeFi and NFTs.DeFi is arguably the most prevalent application of smart....
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NFTs present a revolutionary and innovative technology, but their real value has been obscured by hype. It's 2021. Super Bowl champion Tom Brady is starting an NFT company, Christie's is explaining CryptoPunks to everyone, Saturday Night Live is creating jams about NFTs, Beeple and Mark Cuban are advocating NFTs’ use case — yet, here I am, the CEO of a company that helps users securely store their nonfungible tokens and I still think the actual value of NFTs is to be decided. It's important to back up and remember that, although it seems like we have all always known about NFTs, the....
At this point, non-fungible tokens, popularly known as NFTs, need no introduction. A by-product of blockchain technology, these digital collectibles have seemingly established themselves as digital diamonds and created immense new opportunities in industries like art, entertainment, and gaming. However, while NFT sales are skyrocketing, financial experts from across the globe are still debating whether these digital collectibles have any use-cases at all. To their satisfaction, most NFT projects too haven’t yet been able to present any use-cases for the “JPEGs”. But the SYNC Network is....