The Age Of Bitcoin Enlightenment
The promise of Bitcoin remains intact because its design circumvents the fragile human ego in ways that no other human endeavor ever has. The human ego is a fragile thing. It’s quick to judge, insecure, easily manipulated and it gets attached to things through identification. It holds on to ideas and beliefs at all costs, often against our own interests and despite real world observations to the contrary. No one faces a struggle more difficult than what their own ego creates and the one thing that threatens our survival as much as anything else is the fragility of the human ego. Our best....
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Bitcoin will aid humanity in raising its levels of consciousness when self valuing people secure their individuality and everyone’s self interests are aligned.
Jesse Powell, chief executive officer of the world’s fourth-largest crypto exchange Kraken, has criticized decentralized finance (defi) projects, accusing them of being “scams” that enter the market too quickly, unprepared. In a charged Oct. 26 tweet, Powell said the “scams” should not expect crypto exchanges to bail them out once things go wrong. Preferring to let the defi projects fail in order that they get “enlightened”, he thundered: I will not accept your attempt at externalizing the cost of your hasty, reckless rollout. Invest in audits,....
We all know that bitcoin is decentralized electronic money that runs on a network that can do all kinds of interesting things. The key question is, what can you do with bitcoin that you can't do with anything else? What does it mean when bitcoin goes native? Note that the term "native" applied to bitcoin is due to Fred Wilson (a venture capitalist based in New York) and expanded upon by Chris Dixon (another venture capitalist based in San Francisco). Wilson writes (in The Bitcoin Hype Cycle): "What's more interesting is the question of what will lead us onto the slope of enlightenment? I....
According to a report released by tech advisory firm Gartner, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are still in their hype but might be due to plateau in two to five years. The report included bitcoin in its sectors marked by "over enthusiasm" and "unrealistic projections". This annual release is marketed for R&D firms and tracks the maturity of more than 2,000 nascent technologies on the road to mainstream adoption. It makes use of five key stages that follow expectations over time: innovation trigger, peak of inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, plateau....
Over-hyped cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are still in a period of "inflated expectations", leading tech advisory firm Gartner has found. As part of its 2015 'Hype Cycle' report on emerging technologies, it included cryptocurrencies among the sectors marked by "over-enthusiasm" and "unrealistic projections". Gartner's annual release - marketed at R&D teams - tracks the maturity of more than 2,000 nascent technologies on the road to mainstream adoption. It has five key stages that follow expectations over time: innovation trigger, peak of inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment,....