Meet The Catholic Nuns Who Are Building A New Church With Bitcoin
By adopting bitcoin, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles from Kansas City were able to build their church and focus on preserving Catholic traditions.This is an opinion editorial by Andy Flattery, a certified financial planner.An observer of modern culture paying even the slightest attention might aptly compare today’s world to the Roman Empire in the sixth and seventh centuries. This was a period of cultural decline, where barbarian invasions destroyed cities, libraries, laws and even governments. During this time, it was medieval monks, such as St. Benedict, who preserved....
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A church spokesperson said it was also unlikely the church would release its own digital currency. With roughly 100 million members, the church representing the dominant religion in Russia has no plans to accept cryptocurrency donations or offerings.According to a Q&A streamed on YouTube by Jesus Portal, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Hilarion Alfeyev, said the Russian Orthodox Church, or ROC, is not planning to create its own digital currency, nor accept cryptocurrency including Bitcoin (BTC) for donations. However, Alfeyev added....
Image source: Facebook. The parishioners over at the Church of St. Paul's Ashgrove in Brisbane, Australia may no longer need a physical collection plate during service, because the church is now accepting bitcoin donations - in a move that sets out bitcoin can be used for good. Reverend Tiffany Sparks says they've already started accepting bitcoin donations as of New Year's Eve, but hints that they haven't quite been popular, given that the amount of individuals in Brisbane as a whole with bitcoin is rather minimal. Still, Rev. Sparks insists that the acceptance of the bitcoin is mostly....