Buy a Dream House With Bitcoin In the Idyllic Caribbean Valley of Puerto Rico
At one point in every crypto enthusiast’s life he or she has envisioned buying their dream mansion, with Bitcoin. What was once a fantasy is now a reality with the listing of this exquisite, ultra modern, 2-story, 5-bedroom mansion in the heart of the Caribbean. A life of Paradise in a Caribbean Hidden Valley This unique luxury property is being sold through ArroyoLaRue Realty, and is nestled in the stunning “Hidden valley” of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. Situated in the serene Valle Escondido Estates of Guaynabo. The Idyllic, luscious landscape offers a sense of privacy....
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An avid Bitcoin enthusiast and property entrepreneur is selling his beautiful luxury 2-story property in the “Hidden Valley” of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. The property is situated amidst a picturesque landscape with the convenience of the center of San Juan metro within several minutes drive. This eye-catching property is located in an idyllic valley, home to […]
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Crypto capital is moving to Puerto Rico as tax regulations are much more favorable than in the U.S. proper. The United States territory of Puerto Rico is seeing a resurgence of interest among crypto investors attracted by the fact it doesn’t charge federal income tax and eligible investors can pay zero taxes on their crypto gains.Under local law Act 22, those who live in Puerto Rico for at least half of the year are exempt from taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains — meaning they can keep most or all of the profits from crypto or other investments without having to renounce U.S.....
A mayor in Puerto Rico pleaded guilty to accepting a bribe of more than $100,000 in cash last week. Following another corruption scandal, the government of Puerto Rico is reportedly seeking to improve its anti-corruption efforts by adopting blockchain technology.Puerto Rican House Speaker Rafael “Tatito” Hernandez announced that lawmakers will hold meetings with local blockchain enthusiasts this month to discuss the potential adoption of blockchain technology to reduce corruption.The implementation of blockchain and smart contracts could bring more transparency and accountability to the....
To mitigate austerity and resolve debt, Puerto Rico should follow in El Salvador’s footsteps and make bitcoin legal tender.