El Salvador Calls Another Bitcoin Dip With 150 BTC Purchase
Bitcoin has now become part of El Salvador’s daily life following the official implementation of the cryptocurrency as a legal tender. Since then, the El Salvador government has pledged to purchase bitcoins and has held up its end of the bargain. Now, every time the price of BTC goes down, the country calls the dip and purchase a significant amount of bitcoin. In multiple instances spread through the past couple of months, El Salvador has purchased millions of dollars worth of bitcoin. The country had purchased 100 bitcoins during the last bitcoin dip. This time around, El Salvador has....
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El Salvador has once again deepened its bitcoin bet with another purchase. The sovereign nation had made history as the first to officially implement bitcoin as a legal tender back in September. To mark the historical moment, President Nayik Bukele had announced that the country had bought 200 bitcoins. A promise to purchase more followed the purchased and the country had kept to that promise. The country had purchased an additional 250 bitcoins after this. The third buy-in in September brought the total of El Salvador’s holdings to 700 coins. At each of these stages, President Nayib....
President Nayib Bukele announced the purchase of another 500 BTC leaving the total reserves of El Salvador at 1,620 BTC valued at $50 million.
El Salvador President Nayib Bukele declared the country’s largest Bitcoin purchase to date in the middle of a terrible cryptocurrency market fall. He announced it in a tweet on Monday, saying, “El Salvador just bought the dip!” “Average price of $30,744 for 500 coins.” El Salvador Buys 500 BTC According to a tweet from President […]
El Salvador has been on the radar of leading financial and economic institutions since it made Bitcoin a legal tender. It has mainly become a spectacle as cryptocurrency supporters and non-supporters alike watch on to see how this plays out. El Salvador which had made good on its bitcoin promise had made multiple BTC purchases at close to the height of the market last year and some this year. The country now holds at least 2,300 BTC since it made its first purchase in September of 2021. Now that the price of Bitcoin is down significantly since the country had begun buying, how is this....
El Salvador has been making headlines around the globe for months now thanks to its decision to adopt bitcoin as an official legal tender. But after the implementation, what next? There have been numerous calls for the country and its President, Nayib Bukele, to review and repeal this decision as it had the potential to […]