One in four US teens would buy crypto if given money to invest, survey finds
The results of a new survey suggest teens are still more persuaded that the stock market is where they should invest, yet crypto is more popular than alternatives like real estate. Researchers have attempted to probe North American teens’ perceptions of the stock market, cryptocurrencies and other investments in the high octane GameStop era. The results showed that cryptocurrencies edged ahead of some other asset classes like real estate, with 25% of teens saying they would invest in crypto if given hypothetical funds as compared with 24% in real estate. 43% remain convinced that the best....
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A recent survey has found that crypto is growing in popularity amongst young people in the United States. This is in line with the general popularity trends for crypto. Recent surveys and polls have also shown similar findings across respondents. Sentiment towards crypto investing has skewed towards the positive in the past couple of years. […]
A new survey shows that teens still receive more persuasion from investing in the stock market, yet, the cryptocurrency sector has become more popular than other alternatives such as real estate. Researchers tried to probe the perceptions of teens in North America on cryptocurrency industry, the stock market. They also included other investments types in the era of high-octane GameStop. The research result revealed that the cryptocurrency industry took the lead ahead of other asset classes like real estate. For example, one in four teens prefers cryptocurrency investment if given enough....
The American independent investment bank and financial services company, Piper Sandler has published its latest “Taking Stock With Teens” survey which notes that 9% of U.S. teenagers have traded cryptocurrencies. 7,000 teenagers were polled and roughly 81% of those who have traded digital currencies were male. 9% of American Teens Claim to Have Traded Crypto Assets, But Cash Is Still King Among US Teenagers Piper Sandler Companies has published a new study that surveyed 7,000 American teenagers. According to the findings as far as payments are concerned “cash is (still)....
A new study published by Spain’s National Securities Market Commission (NSMC), sheds light on how many Spaniards are buying and how many are aware of crypto. Posted on August 4, the survey shows results collected from May to June 2022 from 1,500 participants. Related Reading: Binance Adds Shiba Inu To Crypto Card, Enabling SHIB Payments […]
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