Bitcoin Portfolio Insurance: BTC Valuation Models
Multiple valuation models rooted in traditional financial data demonstrate that bitcoin is portfolio insurance for fixed-income investors.Editor’s note: This article is the third in a three-part series. Plain text represents the writing of Greg Foss, while italicized copy represents the writing of Jason Sansone.In the first two installments of this series, we reviewed many of the foundational concepts necessary for understanding the credit markets, both in “normal” times and during contagion. To conclude this series, we would like to explore a few methods by which one could arrive at a....
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Describing the complex world of bonds with two distinct voices to set the stage for explaining why bitcoin is critical portfolio insurance.
From “Tulip Mania” to “the World’s Reserve Currency,” these valuation models show the full range of bitcoin’s long-term possibilities.
Fidelity Digital Assets, a subsidiary of Fidelity Investments, says that bitcoin could be considered portfolio insurance. The firm notes that the cryptocurrency “may soon stand in stark contrast to the path that the rest of the world and fiat currencies may take — namely the path of increased supply, additional currency creation, and central bank balance sheet expansion.”
Fidelity Says Bitcoin Could Be Portfolio Insurance
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As bond risks grow and contagion appear more likely than ever, every investor needs to consider bitcoin as portfolio insurance.
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