‘Investors Are Running out of Havens’ — Erratic Behavior in US Bond Markets P...
Yields on long-dated U.S. Treasuries have been erratic this year and this week, the 10-year Treasury yield crossed 3.5% for the first time in a decade. Following the Fed’s 75bps (basis points) rate hike, 10-year notes reached 3.642% and two-year Treasury notes jumped to a 15-year high at 4.090%. The curve between the two- and 10-year notes indicates the chances of a deep U.S. recession have grown stronger, and recent reports say bond traders have been “confronted with the wildest volatility of their careers.” 2 Quarters of Negative GDP, Red-Hot Inflation, and....
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The global economy looks bleak as inflation continues to rise, and a wide array of financial investments continue to shudder in value. Since May 2, 2022, the crypto economy has dropped more than 15% from $1.83 trillion to today’s $1.54 trillion. The price of gold has lost 5% in 30 days, and major stock market indexes have seen record lows during the past two weeks. While many people hope the world’s financial markets will see a turnaround, there are three major obstacles impeding the path to recovery.
3 Factors That Will Impede the Global Economy’s Healing Process....
Institutional or accredited investors signed up to the DBS Digital Exchange will be able to access secondary markets for DBS’s digital bond. Singapore-based multinational banking corporation, DBS Bank, has launched its first-ever security token offering, or STO, by issuing a digital bond.The DBS digital bond has been priced at $11.35 million and comes with a six-month tenor and coupon rate of 0.60% annually. The offering was carried out through a private placement hosted by DBS Digital Exchange, or DDEx, marking DDEx’s first STO.To encourage investor engagement, the bond is set to be....
With atomic settlement technology, the company said its digital bond settles through the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), not requiring a central clearing counterparty. Swiss investment bank UBS AG introduced its hybrid digital bond on Nov. 3, claiming to be the world's first publicly traded and settled on both blockchain-based and traditional exchanges.According to the bank, the digital bond has the same instrument structure, legal status and rating as a traditional UBS AG senior unsecured note. In its statement, the bank said:"Through this bond, UBS enables investors, regardless of whether....