How Pionex’s Trading Bots Can Help Manage Risk
Last month was a crypto rollercoaster. Bill Gates said crypto is based on greater fool theory. The market has lost more than $1 trillion dollars since November, and there are still signs of further damage, including Celsius’ pause on withdrawals. The wild west of finance is clearly suffering, and the whiplash pace of recent headlines is likely to leave most investors full of uncertainty and anxiety. Pionex’s trustworthy crypto trading bots can help investors weather the crypto storm. Despite the recent maelstrom of bad news, the fundamental innovations behind....
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With all the allegations of Mt. Gox's automated trading bot, which has been dubbed "Willy", algorithmic trading is getting a bad rap. However, using bots to trade on the financial markets is a long-established and legitimate activity - and it's easier than anywhere in the cryptocurrency markets. So, how do these bots work, and can they really make you money? Trading bots are software programs that talk directly to financial exchanges, and place buy and sell orders on your behalf. They make those decisions by watching the market's price movements, and reacting according to a set of....