Built With Bitcoin Completes Clean Water Project For 1,000 Nigerian Villagers
The project, funded with bitcoin, provided the Igbaruku village with clean water, where the community previously had to travel miles to reach a contaminated water source.Built With Bitcoin has completed a clean and sustainable water project in Nigeria. The Igbaruku community, with over 1,000 villagers, will no longer need to use a contaminated and unsafe water source that is miles away.The project was completed in May and cost around $6,000 in BTC at the time.The Built With Bitcoin Foundation has built a water well in Nigeria which will provide villagers with clean drinking water and....
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How can you put your Bitcoin to good use? In so many ways! One opportunity that you have to consider today is donating to the BitGive Foundation's Water Project Campaign. The Water Project recently began accepting Bitcoin and focuses on delivering clean water to Sub Saharan Africa. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Water Project seeks to build a foundation in communities in need of a sustainable water supply. You can be apart of this project. Most of us simply take our running faucets and clean water for granted, but many do not have access to clean drinking water. I agree with the Water....
Imagine, waking up each morning and not knowing whether or not you could reach for a glass of clean drinking water. Unfortunately, this nightmare is a reality for thousands of innocent individuals around the world. While most of us take running water and clean drinking water for granted, it is a luxury for many around the world. This winter into the spring, the BitGive Foundation has partnered with the Water Project to collect donations in BTC to empower and enable individuals to live healthier and longer lives with clean water. As the donation drive is hitting a benchmark, I encourage you....
The Water Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization providing sustainable water projects to sub-Saharan African communities, has launched a new bold initiative, with the help of bitcoin. The organization has introduced a new program named "The Water Promise," which combines high-tech remote monitoring with local repair teams to ensure that water is reliable and self-sustainable in the long term. Each bitcoin donation will be allocated to one of 42 new sensor-enabled water projects in Kenya managed by the organization. The Water Project team is looking for donations as little as 0.196 BTC to....
The Clean Water Coin Initiative is the first ever coin designed and developed to be a nonprofit organization. What does that mean? We are a registered Nonprofit Organization and we’ve created a Crypto Charity and coin that lets a community actively participate in helping provide clean water. To do that we've teamed up with CharityWater.org so that we can create campaigns and raise funds for clean water projects. Also, the community can easily track exactly how we are doing by visiting our campaign page. Cointelegraph.com sat down with the founder of Clean Water Coin, Zach Mettra, to....
“Today, you gave enough BTC – totally anonymously – to provide clean, safe water and sanitation facilities to an entire school AND for the monitoring and repair funds to keep it working for years to come,” says a message of appreciation posted on a r/bitcoin Reddit page by a user bitcoinh20 on behalf of The Water Project. We’re grateful for every single gift we receive no matter the size! Every BTC provides clean water. So… we don’t know who you are, but we’re grateful. And so, just in case you hang out here, we want to say thanks! The writer adds that the Bitcoin community has funded more....