Over 67,000 Fusions: Cashfusion Participants Have Fused Billions of Dollars i...
While some crypto users have been leveraging privacy-centric digital assets like monero, others still use mixing protocols that shuffle unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) from coins like bitcoin, ethereum, and bitcoin cash. Participants using the Bitcoin Cash network utilize applications like Cashshuffle and Cashfusion. Since Cashfusion was introduced in November 2019, there’s been 67,845 fusions or $5.9 billion worth of bitcoin cash that’s been fused. Cashshuffle Still Gets Use With 65K Shuffles Since 2019 During the bull run of 2021, Bitcoin Cash network users are using....
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Cashfusion, the privacy-enhancing solution for the Bitcoin Cash network is nearing its one-year anniversary and during the last four months, fusions have increased by 328.93%. The protocol recently completed a security audit and fusions are nearing 20k with close to $200 million worth of bitcoin cash fused to-date. On November 28, 2020, the Cashfusion protocol for the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network will celebrate a milestone of one year operating so far. At the time of publication, stats from the web portal stats.devzero.be/#/fusion shows approximately 19,658 fusions have been processed since....
While blockchain monitoring has increased a great deal during the last few years, cryptocurrency mixers have seen significant use from those who don’t want their financial transactions tracked. Meanwhile, two mixing applications, Tornado.cash and Cashfusion, have helped crypto owners make their ethereum and bitcoin cash less traceable. The two applications combined recorded more than $8 billion in crypto transactions that have been purposely obfuscated.
Over $4.8 Billion in Ethereum Processed via Tornado.cash
Digital currency privacy is a big deal to a lot of people. To....
According to a document produced by a Pakistani policy advisory board, the country is likely to earn billions of dollars from crypto-asset holders. Yet for this to happen, the country first needs to create the appropriate regulatory framework for crypto assets. Cryptocurrencies Could Boost Reserves Pakistan may potentially raise billions of dollars from crypto assets held by its nationals or by residents with dual citizenship, a policy document produced by the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) has said. According to a report in The Business Recorder, the....
MMM Nigeria - a prominent multi-marketing Ponzi scheme - has recently announced that it is making a comeback enabling Bitcoin as a form of payment. MMM was founded by Sergei Mavrodi in Russia in the 1990s, the original scheme has collapsed resulting in participants losing billions of dollars. However, it has blossomed again with one simple model: participants committed to sending money to other participants and after a month, they got their ‘investments’ back plus 30 percent interest from other participants of the pyramid. There is a high risk that this lending money chain will eventually....
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has revealed that $3.5 billion in crypto was seized during the fiscal year 2021. This represents 93% of all funds seized by its criminal investigation unit during the same time period. The agency expects to seize billions of dollars more in cryptocurrency next year.
IRS Says It Could Seize Even More Than $3.5 Billion in Cryptocurrency Next Year
The Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation (CI) unit, the tas authority’s law enforcement branch, released the 2021 Criminal Investigation Annual Report Thursday. IRS....