Ethereum Community Gears up for the Long-Awaited London Fork Set to Go Live o...
The Ethereum community has been gearing up for the highly anticipated London Network Upgrade which should take place on August 5 around 9:00 a.m. (EDT). Node operators have been asked to upgrade their nodes as soon as possible, as the upgrade is scheduled to take place at block height 12,965,000. Ethereum Set to Fork on Thursday, Blockchain Will See 5 Improvements According to the countdown clock hosted on etherscan.io, the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain will be upgraded in the near future, on or around Thursday afternoon. Previously, Bitcoin.com News reported on the London upgrade on July 9,....
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Ethereum EIP-1559 recently went live on August 5th. The long-awaited London Hard Fork arrived just on time at block height 12,965,000. EIP-1559 represents a big step in the move to ETH 2.0. Following the launch, the price of Ethereum has soared in response. Over the past 24 hours, the price of ETH has jumped over […]
The long-awaited EIP-1559 upgrade is just 26 days away now. The long-awaited London upgrade for the Ethereum network is edging closer as the code was deployed to the final testnet this week.Ethereum’s London hard fork, which will usher in the EIP-1559 upgrade, has now been scheduled for August 4 following the launch on the Rinkeby testnet on Thursday.Ethereum developer Tim Beiko posted the testnet update confirming that the code has now been successfully deployed to all three testnets.And we are live https://t.co/a5blKgbZym All three testnets have now successfully upgraded to London Note:....
A recent market crash has seen the price of ethereum crumble as the market prepares for the launch of the London Hard Fork. The fork has been scheduled to go live on August 4th this year and so far, investors seem to be very interested in this move. Demand for ethereum has gone up in […]
The London hard fork sets Ethereum up for a new era as ETH price continues to make gains alongside a positive community reaction. The London hard fork of Ethereum, which went live on Aug. 5, ushered in a new era for the transition to Ethereum 2.0, a complete proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. In fact, the London upgrade is the penultimate step on the way to the final transition to PoS scheduled sometime in 2022. The upgrade got triggered almost on time at 12:33 pm UTC at the block height of 12,965,000.Along with the highly anticipated Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559, this upgrade....
The difficulty bomb has been successfully delayed according to core dev Tim Beiko and Ethereum ecosystem developer Nethermind. The difficulty bomb-delaying Gray Glacier hard fork went live on Ethereum on Thursday without a hitch according to the network’s core devs including Ethereum Foundation’s Tim Beiko.The Sepolia testnet is also set to run through its Merge trial over the next few days and is the second last testnet to go through the trial before the official Merge. According to Etherscan, the Gray Glacier hard fork was initiated on block number 15050000 at roughly 6:54 am ET, June....