The Bogdanoff Twins Claim They Participated in Helping Satoshi Nakamoto Build...
Following the infamous meme that shows one of the Bogdanoff twins on the phone telling whales to initiate a crypto-market dump, the Bogdanoff brothers now claim they took part in inventing the leading cryptocurrency bitcoin with Satoshi Nakamoto. During an interview hosted on L’Heure des Pros, the Bogdanoff twins said as mathematicians the two were able to “participate in the elaboration of some of the source code.” Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff Claim to Have Helped Satoshi Elaborate on Bitcoin’s ‘Predictive Code’ There’s been a long-running joke that....
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The con is over. Dr. Craig Steven Wright will not provide proof he is Satoshi Nakamoto. While Gavin Andresen admits he might have been fooled, Jon Matonis stands behind Wright’s claim that he is Satoshi. The Economist, BBC and GQ broke May 2 that Craig Steven Wright, whose political views Julian Assange called “amaeteur” in a 1996 e-mail, has provided proof he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin. Experts doubted this claim based on the ‘proof,’ but Wright promised further “extraordinary evidence” to back his assertions. Regardless, Craig Steven Wright, whose home was raided in....