How I Define Bitcoin Generational Wealth
Beyond the numbers, what is “generational wealth” and how does bitcoin enable us to achieve this?Bitcoin Generational Wealth - The PreludeThis article was inspired by a fellow Bitcoiner, @chadlupkes and his constructive criticism of my first article on generational wealth. My first article focused too much on the generational wealth calculations in his humble opinion and I took his criticism to heart. In essence, my fellow Bitcoin brother would have liked to see more information on what exactly is generational wealth, the history thereof and why bitcoin is the best form of generational....
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“Bitcoin Is Generational Wealth” is a short film exploring the potential Bitcoin has across generations.
Ten years ago if you asked someone what their plans were for building wealth, their answer would have likely been investing long-term in real estate, the S&P 500, bonds, private equity, or hedge funds. Fast forward to 2022 and the dawn of DeFi has revolutionized the way people seek to build wealth for the future, with digital assets now providing a new alternative for investment opportunities. Although generational wealth has historically been accumulated through traditional investment streams, a recent survey by CNBC Millionaire Survey found that 47% of millennials have 25% of their....
The creators of this fantastic Bitcoin film discuss the process that went into crafting it.
Bitcoin truly enables people to plan for the future well beyond their own life, a luxury and necessity many throughout history did not have.
Everyone should consider their plans for retirement, and bitcoin can help you achieve this major life goal.