Funding Rates Return To Neutral Following Bitcoin Relief Rally
Bitcoin funding rates had seen a very negative month between mid-June and mid-July. The funding rates, which had previously remained muted, quickly declined below neutral and proceeded to spend the next one month on this level. However, there is a significant change as last week saw funding rates return to neutral. Funding Rate Recovers On Exchanges The bitcoin funding rates had been touching low points as the price of the digital asset struggled. This was concerning given that funding rates were expected to improve as the digital asset began to basically trade at what was described as a....
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Bitcoin funding rates had fallen below neutral two weeks ago after finally recovering from a month-long downtrend. This had sparked fears of another bearish trend starting in the market. However, this has quickly changed as the numbers for last week have come in. This time around, the bitcoin funding rates are painting a better picture for the digital asset. Funding Rates Return To Neutral The bitcoin funding rates for the last week have been more optimistic compared to previous weeks. This is because it had continued to maintain its positive at neutral for the whole seven days; there was....
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Bitcoin funding rates had first fallen below the neutral level last month. Before that, the funding rates had been fluctuating at and below neutral for the longest time. This new trend has lasted longer than expected as the digital asset’s price continues to struggle. In this report, we take a look at the state of bitcoin funding rates as well as the implications if the present trend continues. Funding Rates Below Neutral When bitcoin funding rates had first fallen below neutral in June, the price of the digital asset was still trading well above $30,000. Since then though, multiple....
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Bitcoin funding rates for the past two months have entered one of their worst streaks yet. During this time, there have been no positive funding rates, and the best that the market has seen has been funding rates at a neutral level. However, even now, reaching neutral levels have proved incredibly hard for funding rates, taking a deeper dive with each passing week. Funding Rates Remain Below Neutral The last time bitcoin funding rates had been in the neutral territory had been at the beginning of August. Since then, funding rates have consistently returned below neutral, with some....