Paraguayan Lawmaker to Present Bitcoin Legislation Next Month — Aims to Make ...
A pro-bitcoin congressman in Paraguay says he will present bitcoin legislation in congress next month with the aim to make Paraguay a hub for cryptocurrency investors worldwide. His efforts follow El Salvador passing a bill making bitcoin legal tender. Paraguay Wants to Be Global Hub for Crypto Investors Following El Salvador passing a bill making bitcoin legal tender, a congressman in Paraguay announced that he is working on bitcoin legislation that will be presented next month. Deputy Carlos Antonio Rejala Helman of the Hagamos Party has called for Paraguay to take similar action to El....
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A group of Paraguayan lawmakers presented a ‘Bitcoin bill’ in the National Congress last week, but it turned out to be a very different proposal than what crypto followers expected. The bill seeks to control and regulate cryptocurrency transactions and establish taxes. There is no mention of declaring bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies as legal tender anywhere in the proposal. “Bitcoin Bill” Presented in Paraguay The long-hyped ‘Bitcoin bill’ was at last presented in Paraguay to the National Congress by two lawmakers last week, but it was not what....
El Salvador’s decision to accept Bitcoin as legal tender in June appears to be influencing lawmakers across the region to begin exploring their own cryptocurrency strategy. Paraguay is next in line to introduce new crypto-focused legislation. Paraguayan Congressman Carlitos Rejala and Senator Fernando Silva Facetti are planning to introduce a Bitcoin (BTC) bill to Congress on Wednesday, July 14, underscoring the lawmakers’ urgency in formulating a coherent digital asset strategy for their country. “I am here to unite Paraguay,” Rejala tweeted Friday, adding that he and his fellow lawmaker....
The Paraguayan Senate has approved a bill that seeks to regulate cryptocurrencies and their operations in the country. The bill, which had already been submitted to the deputy chamber, was approved with some changes suggested, establishing clear definitions and tax exemptions for companies in the cryptocurrency and crypto mining sectors.
Paraguayan Cryptocurrency Bill Passes Senate Discussion
Countries in Latam are seeking to standardize and regulate cryptocurrency to bring more clarity to investors dedicated to the industry in the area. On July 14, the Paraguayan senate....