The battle of banks vs. DeFi is a win for individual crypto investors
Banks are no longer the only player in the financial industry, as decentralized finance builds authority and gains mainstream adoption. The state of banking and finance today presents a complex labyrinth that even seasoned bankers struggle to navigate. Despite appearances, there is a method to this madness. As Nobel Prize winners like Muhammad Yunus and Joseph Stiglitz have cautioned in the past: central banking, in particular, has morphed to keep the status quo in check. Or, in the words of Mike Maloney, an expert on monetary history and economics: It is “the biggest scam in the history....
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Banks are moving into crypto and crypto companies are trying to become banks, so how does it all play out?
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is one emerging sector in the crypto industry that has been in the limelight for a while. DeFi protocols offer users access to peer-to-peer digital exchanges, eliminating third-party involvement like banks. The DeFi sector boycotts the charges and payments often requested by banks in running traditional finance transactions while maintaining a secure […]
Individual investors, even when operating in a swarm, are destined to lose. How do I know? I helped design the game.
The battle for global consumer deposits is going to be the fight of the century. But to vanquish old-fashioned banks, the DeFi sector needs to up its game. The world runs on consumer spending and consumer saving. It is everyday people who actually power the most important parts of the global economy and the global financial system. For consumers, this system runs through their retail bank. It is where most people save, spend and pay their taxes. This is the battleground for the coming fight: the battle for global consumer deposits.Make no mistake, this will be the fight of the century. It....
Research has found overexposure to a few 'blue chip' DeFi tokens is an issue for indexes. New research suggests that indexes based on decentralized finance tokens lack diversification which is less than ideal for advanced investors seeking to mitigate risk.Indexes are a very popular way to get broad exposure to a market without the hassle of researching and buying individual assets. With the explosion in DeFi protocols and related tokens this year, a number of indexes have been launched.Analytics provider DeFi Pulse was one of the first to launch their own index in mid-September at the....