The First Russian Language Bitcoin Documentary
The first Russian Bitcoin documentary filmed by the television crew, Govorit I Pokazivaet (Speaking And Showing), shows the world cryptocurrency perspectives from the region. The film is meant to educate the general public of Russia about the digital currency. However, the company had issues with its sponsors but just recently retained all the rights to....
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Recently, we witnessed an exceptional case in the Russian Internet space. A small but professional TV production studio, Speaking and Showing, claimed to be working on the first Russian documentary film about digital currencies. The studio posted a call for help on bitnovosti.com, aRussian-language news magazine. On October 11, 2015, a mysterious....
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The documentary "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" has been released this week and the film already garnered several awards. Last weekend, it was awarded the Best International Documentary and the Best Libertarian Theme during the Freedom Fest. It also won the 2015 Special Jury Prize at the Amsterdam Film Festival. The documentary was produced and written by Torsten Hoffman, and licensed by international broadcasters and media companies including Neflix, CCTV, Samsung Electronics, Virgin Media, LG Electronics, Sky Deutschland, Orange and minor broadcasters in 20 countries. Bitcoin....
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The California-based private American venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, has published a documentary called “Crypto Startup School.” The documentary is different from other blockchain films, as the 30-minute video shows some of the procedures leveraged while invoking a crypto-focused startup. On October 9, 2020, the company Andreessen Horowitz published a new documentary on Youtube called “Crypto Startup School,” alongside the 14 lectures that go along with the experiment. The documentary covers a course Andreessen Horowitz recently held with over 40....