Survey Of Experts: China’s Digital Currency vs. Decentralized Bitcoin
Recently, in a statement issued on its official website, People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has announced a plan to launch its own digital currency. In light of this big news from China, CoinTelegraph conducted a survey of industry experts to hear what they think of the move and how it affects the cryptocurrency market. If PBOC launches its own digital currency, will it have anything to do with cryptography at all? Can a centralized virtual currency ever compete with cryptocurrency where no third party involvement exists? “The PBOC already has a Digital Currency, it's called the Yuan. The only....
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This survey is now also available in Chinese and also in Spanish and in Japanese. It's a common observation: the bitcoin community largely consists of young, white males. But to what degree is this actually true? Just what percentage of those interested in digital currency matches this description? To find out, CoinDesk has launched a new survey to determine who exactly makes up the bitcoin community and the demographics with a general interest in digital currency. The survey only takes a couple of minutes to complete, but will lead to a greater understanding of the community. You can....
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