Bitcoinist Weekly News Re-Hash: Carl Force Sentencing, Uber’s Data Blunder
Bitcoiners got to enjoy some exciting market activity this week, with the Bitcoin price rising to levels that have not been seen in several months. Towards the end of the week, the price broke into the $270s, but quickly settled down into the low $260s, which some people hope will be a new bottom. This week began on Monday, October 12 with the Bitcoin price sitting at $247.83, staying within the range that persisted for much of last week. The 12th ended up being a bearish day overall, with a small decline in the morning, followed by another decline late at night. Monday closed in the low....
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The markets sprang into action this week, with the price rising steadily during a build-up to a massive rally at the end of the week. This price explosion comes while eyes are still glued to global markets, worried about a Chinese slowdown. However, it appears as if some profit taking began at the end of the week, suggesting some possible downward movement in the days to come. October 19, 2015 started our week with the Bitcoin price at $262.90. This Monday saw a slow climb on the markets, reaching a peak of $266.01 at 9 AM, and then hitting a lull in activity that lasted until the night.....
Carl Force, a 46 year old member of Baltimore’s Silk Road task force and former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent who plead for for an agreement with prosecutors back in June is set to be sentenced on October 19, at the US District Court for the Northern District of California. A few months ago, Force was accused of abusing his DEA powers to illegally seize funds in a bitcoin exchange called CoinMKT and transferring bitcoins seized from the Silk Road investigation to his personal bitcoin and bank accounts in China. For a few weeks during the covert investigation, Force provided....
October 19th is the day on which the Bitcoin community is hoping to get justice. On this day, the court is expected to announce the quantum of punishment for former US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officer Carl Mark Force for his crimes. In July, Carl had pleaded guilty to the charges of extorting a huge number of Bitcoins from the Silk Road's founder Ross Ulbricht (who is currently serving a life imprisonment sentence.) The disgraced Silk Road was actually an unregulated online marketplace from where the buyers could procure drugs by paying with Bitcoin. In the 16-page plea....
Carl Force IV, the DEA agent who pled guilty earlier this year will be facing sentencing on October 19th for his crimes as a rogue officer. The crimes committed were extortion, money laundering, and obstruction of justice during the Silk Road investigation and the arrest of the Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR). Force and his colleague Shaun Bridges were known special task force agents who went rogue while working undercover on the Silk Road case. The two have been said to have stole millions of dollars in Bitcoin while serving as law enforcement agents and many say tainted the entire case The....
Tainted former US Drug Enforcement Administration officer Carl Force has pleaded guilty to extorting Bitcoin from online drug marketplace Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht. According to his 16-page plea agreement, Carl has pleaded guilty to money laundering and obstruction of justice, Forbes reported earlier today. Carl is scheduled to be sentenced on October 19 and faces a maximum of 20 years in prison. Assistant Attorney General Caldwell said, "While investigating the Silk Road, former DEA Agent Carl Force crossed the line from enforcing the law to breaking it." He added that, "Seduced by....