ChangeTip Social Payments App Adds Proximity Payments with US Dollars and Bitcoin
ChangeTip enables P2P payments in the form of tips, gifts, or donations, and supports both US dollars and bitcoin. The new ‘Explore’ option allows users to broadcast their location using GPS and find others nearby using the ChangeTip app.
Money can be sent instantly by selecting an individual discovered nearby, without exchanging contact information. Users can use this function to tip drivers, servers, buskers, and event vendors more easily, conveniently, and for free. This offers people a way to leave home without their credit cards, or cash, as they can now use their phone to send money to anyone, anywhere.
“We’re living in an increasingly cashless society, and it’s the most obvious when I go to tip a busker, leave some change in a tip jar, or attempt to donate a person in need,” says Victoria van Eyk, ChangeTip.
“The ChangeTip app allows me to solve this problem just by using my mobile phone.”
Users may add money to a ChangeTip ‘Pocket’, similar to a digital ‘Wallet’ used to store funds for future use. ChangeTip specializes in micropayments as low as pennies or fractions of pennies when using BTC, and as high as $100 when using either supported currency. Organizations use ChangeTip to collect donations, distribute rewards, and monetize content.
The app supports iOS 8.0+ on iPhone and iPod touch, and is free in the App Store. Visit https://info.changetip.com/getiosapp for more information about the app and to access screenshots and a demo video.
About ChangeTip
ChangeTip is owned by San Francisco-based ChangeCoin Inc., a Delaware corporation. ChangeTip allows people to express appreciation or pay other individuals or organizations via monetary “tips.” Tips are sent natively within the chosen social media platform and allow users to transact seamlessly in the normal course of their Twitter, Reddit, SoundCloud, and other social media interactions.
The company’s platform allows instant transactions between two parties. The product suite includes the Tip.Me widget, which allows any content producer (artist, writer, musician, publication, etc.) to accept tips via the ChangeTip platform.
*In keeping with American law and financial industry standards, the ChangeTip service is not available in FATF “non-cooperative” and other “blacklisted” countries such as Liberia and Myanmar.
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